Thursday, July 21, 2011

Update & Monthly Reflections

First of all happy summer!!! The tropical-colored nails, sunshine, endless Arnold palmers, yay

I haven't written in a long time on here and it is really time I took a moment to update everyone on all of the changes that have been taking place in the past few months. I don't even know where to start but before I get too far, it has all been mostly good stuff and for someone like myself who doesn't really like change; I'd say I've done quite well with everything. Let's back up and start in April...

Emily and I played hostess as we celebrated Lisa's bachelorette party in DC and had such a rich girl time...I spent the majority of the weekend smiling and laughing so hard it hurt. These girls bring so much sunshine into my life and I will be forever grateful we met in college. Here are some fun glances of our time together...We sure did miss you Brit xo
picking Lis up at BWI and of course Em and I had to go all out, hehehehe

chilling out with Lisa before the start of her bach weekend

During the day we did some shopping in Bethesda, painted pottery and took a much-needed trip to CVS, haha, to look into Salon Effects nails that Erica was sportin that weekend, what a cool discovery!
Erica had on the light pink sparkle ones and they were very bling-tastic and fun for all different occasions.

I loved these earrings I snatched up on our shopping spree and loved the statement they made but then I took them home and the fake gem fell out and so I returned them, major bummer

my favorite shot of the whole weekend, my girls having the time of their lives :)

perfectly captured facial expressions

my love bugs

my gorgeous friend looking radiant and very content

too many jokes came after this huge calzone was brought out, including drum playing

the bride-to-be having way too much fun!!!

I hosted a brunch at my apartment the morning after (my B even made the coffee cake b/c he knew I was stressing over making everything just right for my friends) everything turned out perfectly and we had a really nice time fueling up after all of our dancing and laughter the night frittata even turned out wonderfully, thanks to a little direction from my husband and some self-confidence that I could produce something tasty and enjoyable by my girlfriends

a seemingly artsy shot but I loved their fuzzed out images as they leave our fun-filled weekend and disappear into the distance

Serious Conversations

This spring on our rooftop deck over wine, beautiful sunsets and cheese and fruit plates, Brad and I had serious conversations about our future, our desire to leave D.C., and spoke about him going out to California to job search and see about us re-locating out there. It felt like a hard decision since both of our parents are in CT and we wanted to move closer to family but Brad wasn't having much luck on the East coast and his whole extended family is all on the West coast, as well as food-related jobs (his passion) so it just seemed to make sense to explore that possibility more.

I've always loved visiting California-for family reunions, vacation etc and feel the state has so much to offer with its different terrain-you can go to the beach, wine country, down south to LA or Malibu, skiing or lake time in Tahoe and find the people so friendly, the weather totally perfect and so we decided to go for it. Brad spent three weeks out there job searching and it was very hard, especially since we are newlyweds. But it sure toughened us, made our love even stronger (we spent 4 years apart dating long-distance in college so I should have been use to it but it definitely took time getting use to it again) and sure enough Brad landed a job. I was elated and knew he could do it, I had total faith in him and tried to encourage him every step of the way, I even went the corny route and stuck a note in the bottom of his suitcase when he left that he would uncover when he unpacked his belongings. He kept the note and had it sitting on the shelf looking out when I arrived-I was touched he saved my loving message.

Mid May

I flew to Boston to celebrate my soon-to-be sister-in-law's bachelorette party. It was a great time by all and her sister and two girlfriends, Carey and I really bonded. It was a special weekend.
monogrammed robes my mom whipped up for us girlys! to wear that weekend and then again when Carey prepares for her big day :) the girls loved them, I was so happy

Things began to move quickly as I gave my two weeks notice at a job I had wanted to leave for a long time. It was very liberating to leave and I was expected to go home to celebrate my bday with my parents in CT land (my mom even secretly ordered cupcakes for the occasion from NYC) but made a change in plans and flew to CA to support Brad at a conference in Monterey he had been invited to and celebrated my birthday out there too.

Stay tuned for more on my long overdue update.......

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