Wednesday, September 14, 2011

9/11 Reflections

I have been all over the place this summer-East Coast to West Coast, West Coast to the East Coast. It makes one dizzy with all of the back and forth I have been doing. I am finally back in CA and definately need to get on the blog wagon because I have soo much I want to share and so many things I've seen or done that I feel are worth of a post.

Anyway, for now...lets all take a minute to think back to 9/11 and thank and appreciate all of the brave souls who gave their lives for this great country, America. God Bless. The memory of what happened 10 years ago was definitely absorbed in me this past weekend as I traveled from MD to CA. We were delayed for hours as Obama was flying back to DC and flights were moved around and taken on different paths in order to keep our President safe. The experience of 9/11 certainly loomed in the hearts of everyone you could read it just by looking around. I felt proud to see the Southwest crews in American flag ties, sporting "we remember" stickers with the background being our American flag and it felt as though things were happening a little in slow motion as people couldn't help but look at the tv monitors plastered with memorial services, they stopped to remember and minds were fogged with images of unhappier times. I even felt a little apprehensive about flying, my heart heavier and my desire to snuggle up to my husband a more pressing. I even found myself texting and calling my family and friends to tell them "I love you" an extra time, just because.
Hard to believe my hubby's birth date was the day before this horrible day filled with so much loss and sacrifice. Even harder to imagine that it was just the 10th anniversary of 9/11.

I will never forget that dark day. I was in Spanish class in high school and I remember joking around with my friend Sam and the next thing I knew there were images of smoke and people jumping out of buildings. A big black cloud descended over that sad September day. I am forever grateful for each and every American who fights for this country each and every day.

I love this State Farm Commercial. I saw it on tv and had to google it to see who created it. It sure brings NYC alive for me and I love the interaction between the firefighters and the children. It is truly a beautiful depiction of New York's defining images, resilience and love.

Never forgotten. Forever grateful.

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