Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sickly Thursday

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Last night was kind of a rough night. My hubby was on the couch when I came home from visiting his grandparents with our pup! He was all bundled up in our blankets, my fuzzy socks and looked like a little kid. Sigh, I think my hubby is sick a total of 3 times a year, if that, so when he is sick it is pretty rare.

He is pretty cute when he is sick, "can you get me another pillow?"..."can i have some more water, please?" etc etc..Okay the cuteness wears off after not too long but I let him milk his sickness because it hardly happens. And to be perfectly honest I secretly like when he stays home sick because that leaves more time for us to hang out, even if it is just to watch the funniest pranks of 2011 on tv in pjs with the pup sitting on our laps...I always love to be with my best friend in the whole world.

I needed an extra large iced latte this morning after my sleep was interrupted several times last night to play nurse to my number 1 guy! But a few days ago a fun late Christmas gift arrived from my mother, I love it and was very touched by her gift:
on our doorstep, I heart getting things in the mail, whether snail mail or what have you :)
Piperlime has the best packaging, even the return details came in a cute little pouch
here it is on piperlime
I love the black too...lace is just so wonderful!! love it, love it, loveee it!

Thanks to this pretty top and my iced latte, I'm going to power through the day, clean our apartment, take care of the hubs and have a great Thursday! Wishing all of you out there, a wonderful day too xo

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