Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Just Call Me, Mrs. L

I have had a very long absence from here but am finally back as a newly married woman! I had the absolute time of my life as I celebrated with Brad in the greatest day of our lives. We had the most perfect weather, that was filled with so much love and happiness. I felt so honored to have all of our closest family and friends with us to share in such a joyous day on September 18, 2010.

Things I will never forget from that day:

-the happy look on my mom's face as she watched me all ready to go out our front door--with some tears in her eyes
-my dad telling me just to hold onto his arm and squeeze him if I felt nervous walking down the aisle
-the tears that poured down B's face while he continually told me how beautiful I looked
-my brother busting out his moves on the dance floor
-the speeches of the night, especially B's as he told the crowd his story of falling in love with me
-my MOH's speech as she closed hers with the best final line that had everyone roaring in laughter
-my gittyness as we ran through the sparklers and into the night and I yelled to the grown, while blowing kisses "i love you alll!!!"
~How happy I felt and how lucky I am to have the man of my dreams and the family and friends I do in my life~

My photographer, Steve Depino, posted some shots of the magical day on his blog, here is a preview until I get the rest of my shots:

1 comment:

  1. I've been waiting for a new blog post for quite some time now! Definitely worth the wait though... these pictures are incredible! So happy we could spend this special day together.
    Love you K8ers!! :)
