Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Clutch Cuteness

I snagged the one that is at the bottom left-I'm in love~
My mom e-mailed yesterday morning to mention that she and I are ahead of the game when it comes to sweet wedding clutches that are all over Etsy! Her e-mail even went like this, "check out her post! we are ahead of her! " (scroll to the June 1st post made by the classic bride) I have been eyeing this clutch by Davie & Chiyo for my wedding and happened to receive it this past weekend from my grandmother for a birthday gift, I was so excited! I didn't get to see it in person yet but my mom said it arrived and it is very cute, yay :)

Another surprise came in the mail this morning as I had a package slip and it turned out to be a belated birthday gift from the bro and his gf! So sweet of them, I absolutely love it! It's the clutch at the top of the page^^^^*!~~

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