Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Little Comforts

Here are some of his fabulous creations-Bon Appetit!

such beauty!

italian style

homemade chicken and vegetable soup

It doesn't take much to make me feel all cozy and warm inside. Tonight I am relaxing with some Bachelorette, and Breaking Bad tv time and enjoying a home-cooked meal by my guy! He is such an amazing cook and impresses me every day with his natural gift and ability in the kitchen. He was raised by his grandmother and mother who really taught him how to cook from scratch and make such greatness emerge from the kitchen. Love all his creations-tonight we are having a ratatouille like dish of sliced veggies and a little cheese with some peas and brown rice on the side, yummoO!

One more thing to add, today Emily became an auntie so now she is officially Auntie Emmy... and I want to send her a blessing and shout out of congratulations!
Welcome to the world, Carson Morgan Bahl
you are one lucky little lady~
isn't she too cute for words-Em sent me this picture this morning and I couldn't resist posting it!

I was reminded today how fragile life is....the gift of life is so precious....

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