Monday, June 28, 2010

A CT Weekend Recap

I love this picture-it makes me think of how I wear my emotions on my sleeve but also how surrounded in love and happiness I feel in this time of my life

I had the best weekend, it once again reminded me how lucky I am, how loved, how much I care about my family and friends and how much loving effort has been put into my wedding with my incredible!!

The weekend was quite busy and started off with us getting home late on Thursday night. On Friday I had a church appointment at 8:15, a wedding band apt, a decor/day of the wedding planner apt, and a dress fitting, phew-crazy but fun!~

wedding band fun!~**
At Peter Indorf's picking out out wedding bands-I took him my vision for creating a custom made band and had to leave for my dress fitting but by the time I returned Brad had put down a down payment on the ring for me-he apparently loved Peter, thought he was very talented, saw all of his tools in the back/including his wonderful exciting to be moving forward with that

Brad's two favorites

One of my all time favorite places to have dinner in Guilford-so yummy and what a fun experience

clams anyone?!

a great shot of the group-love you guys~

such a sweet gift from Carey's mother-a picnic set to go with two bottles of wine included in the cooler part, so kind! I've been wanting something like this :)

the warriors competing in a new game Chad brought home

Carey, mom and me on route to the shower

my momma being silly and attempting to suck in

a great shot of us-i love you mom!

marking the spot-we were told another balloon blew away a few minutes prior

Nancy is practically family to me, she has been a loving influence in my life and treated me as one of my own since I was a little girl. Her daughter, Jess, babysat me since I was a little tot-I learned so much from Jess and Nancy...Jess couldn't be there for the shower (she lives in Atlanta) but she sent up a gift anyway-two canisters for my future kitchen--what thoughtfulness..i miss you jess!! xo
Carey, Granny, my mom and me!

it was such a gorgeous day-I was trying to take it all in

a fuzzy but cute attempt

B dropped his mom off at the shower and I got to give him a little squeeze...ilu

mom your eyes are closed...cute shot anyway

Summer, always looking pretty!

with two of my bridesmaids :)

Nancy, the host, whose been an incredible friend to our family for so many years...she is so loving, generous, such a kind spirit-I adore her :)

striking the pose with Er

and these amazing creations-soooooooo CUtEEEeeeeee
look at these fabulouse cake cookies Nancy made, they were as good as they look!

Erica gave me this cute Greece calendar in preparation of our 2nd honeymoon-since B is still finishing up school we might do a small trip to Nantucket and then go to Greece..

This darling nightie from my future mother-in-law, super fun

I was trying to take off the ribbons without breaking them-I wasn't forewarned that if you break ribbons it signifies how many children you will have?!!

my wonderful ribbon bouqet maker

I was told I look like a Southern belle, ha

my gorgeous bouquet!

Summer and her mom-what a lovely snap

hanging out

Bonnie came all the way from Brooklyn just to come to the shower and then once it was over she hopped back on the road again...what a lucky girl I am to have her in my life-thank you for all of the efforts of love you give to me

precious little goody bags

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